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DAY 14


Have you ever lost something of value? Have you ever lost your phone? I have a cousin who lost, well dropped, her phone down the toilet this week! Amazingly it is still working!!! 

I got a call from my Mum this afternoon. She was calling on her mobile. Then, instead of my Mum, a bloke's voice spoke to me. It turns out that this man, Chris, had found her phone in the road, and managed to call the last number dialled. He lives a few doors up from my Mum and said he would drop it in.

Things lost of value, when found, bring great happiness. It reminds me of three stories about lost things, recorded in Luke chapter 15. A sheep, a coin, and a son. 

In each story there is great rejoicing about that which was lost having been found. The last story is a bit different to the rest. This lost son, who left home with all the money he could get out of his dad, realised his mistake, his "lostness". 

The son had blown everything. Wasted it all. Now he was feeding pigs. Then Luke 15:17 says, "when he came to his scenes...". The son realised that though he had left his father, he was still better off returning home. And when he went home, his father was so glad he threw a party.

I am always glad when I have found what I had lost. Maybe sometimes it's my phone. Maybe sometimes it's my keys! (Sounds like the makings of a song!). Maybe sometimes I've lost the presence of God in my life. 

If you feel like you are in a pigsty, it's time to come to your senses, and come back into the presence of God. I believe He is waiting to throw a party.

-Pr Nathan Stickland



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