Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Adventist Youth in the United Kingdom and Ireland


e-Club Ecology Honour

Ecology e-Honour 

Category: Nature





  1. Construct a diagram of a fresh‑water pond ecosystem with pasted-on animal cutouts.
  2. Pick one mammal, one bird, one reptile, and one amphibian from your home environment, and for each construct a diagram of its ecological pyramid.
  3. Know the meaning of the following terms:
    1. Ecology
    2. Community
    3. Food chain
    4. Commensalism
    5. Ecological succession
    6. Plankton
    7. Conservation
    8. Climax community
    9. Eutrophication
    10. Biome
  4. Make detailed field observations and library book study of the habitat of some small animal in your own environment. Write a report one-half from your field observations and one‑half from your book study. Length about 700 words.
  5. Define an ecosystem and state what the basic biological and physical factors are that keep it a balanced system.
  6. Investigate the disposal of trash in your community. How much is disposed per family per day? Per week? Per year? How better can it be taken care of?
  7. Check the daily paper of nearest large city for one month for the air pollution level. Plot a curve for this level on graph paper for the month. Find out what caused the peaks in your curve.
  8. List ten ways in which you might actively work to improve the environment in which you live. Put four of these into practice.
  9. Find a Spirit of Prophecy quotation and a Bible text pertinent to ecology and be able to explain their relevance and application to our day.


We suggest that if there are any presentation elements for the requirements you record a video of yourself and include it with your written assessment in your folder.  Your director will check all your work when your club resumes. If all is present and correct, your director can then decide if you may be awarded your honour.

Finished all your requirements?  Complete this form online, print off the confirmation and include in your club folder.

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