Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Adventist Youth in the United Kingdom and Ireland


e-Club Shells Honour

Shells e-Honour 

Category: Nature





1.         What is the meaning of the term “mollusk or mollusc”?
2.         Identify from shells or drawings the following:
a.       Mantle
b.      Foot
c.       Teeth
d.      Ribs
e.       Valve
f.       Dorsal border
g.      Apex
h.      Operculum
i.        Canal
3.         Are all shells found on beaches? Where are they found? What areas of the world offer the largest variety of shells?
4.         Describe the movement of shells from place to place.
5.         How do shell animals protect themselves?
6.         How are shells made and from what materials are they made?
7.         List and explain five uses made of shells by man.
8.         Explain the terms univalve and bivalve as applied to shells.
9.         Name in common terms five different classes of shells, and have in your collection a shell for each class.
10.     Make a collection of 20 different shells and tell where each is found, when it came into your possession, and classify it.
11.     What is the source of pearls? What striking lesson does the pearl teach us? (Read Christ's Object Lessons, page 115 ‑ 118.)
12.     Match the Bible texts that best answers a-j. Lev. 11:9, 10; Acts 16:14; Isa. 50:2; Rev. 21:21; I Tim. 2:9; Gen. 1:20, 21; I Kings 4:33; Ps. 104:25; Matt. 7:6; 13:45, 46; Job 28:18.
a.       Water creatures were created the fifth day.
b.      The number of water creatures is innumerable.
c.       Water creatures perish out of water.
d.      Job considered coral of great value.
e.       Solomon was acquainted with marine.
f.       Jesus twice used a shell product to teach a spiritual lesson.
g.      A businesswoman was engaged in selling the famous purple dyes secured from the shellfish Mediterranean Murex.
h.      Paul condemns the wearing of pearls.
i.        Shell creatures are unfit for food.
j.        The twelve gates of Holy City are twelve pearls.


We suggest that if there are any presentation elements for the requirements you record a video of yourself and include it with your written assessment in your folder.  Your director will check all your work when your club resumes. If all is present and correct, your director can then decide if you may be awarded your honour.

Finished all your requirements?  Complete this form online, print off the confirmation and include in your club folder.

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