Honey e-Award (Builder)
Category: Nature
1. Where does honey come from?
2. How does the bee make honey?
Understand the terms: super, extractor,nectar, pollen.
3. What is the role of the beekeeper?
4. Make two crafts from the following list:
a. Bee hive
b. Honey comb
c. Bee
d. Flower
e. Your choice
5. Taste three flavours (types) of honey. Discover which you like best. Why?
6. Memorize two of the following Bible verses:
a. Exodus 3:8
b. Psalm 19:7-10
c. Psalm 34:8
d. Proverbs 24:13
e. Proverbs 25:16 & 27
f. Matthew 3:4
g. Your choice
To discover how the Bible talks about honey; with the character of Jesus, we too can be sweet as honey.
We suggest that if there are any presentation elements of the award you record a video of yourself and include it with your written assessment in your folder. Your director will check all your work when your club resumes.
Finished all your requirements? Complete this form online and print off the confirmation for your folders.
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