Useful Links
Regional Youth Websites
Visit the links below to find out what is happening over summer in your area:
Irish Mission Youth Ministries
North England Youth Ministries
Scottish Mission Youth Ministries
South England Conference Youth Ministries
South England Conference Pathfinders
Welsh Mission Youth Ministries
London Youth Federation
Thames Valley Youth Federation
Worldwide Youth Websites
World Church Youth Website, This General Conference Youth Website includes links to Young Adult ministries, Pathfinders & Adventurers.
Adventist Volunteer Service - short or long term, at home or abroad
Next Global Youth Day is 15 March 2014 - start preparing your group now!
Devotional and Study Guides
Collegiate Quarterly - the lesson studied by college age Adventist youth.
CQ Bible study Guide - on Facebook.
Cornerstone Connections is the place to get all your youth Sabbath School study materials.
Health and Bible Courses - Adventist Discovery Centre online correspondence courses
By Pr Nathan Stickland
Spirit of the Flame - 70 Days following the olympic torch.
Accent Magazine - resources for youth leaders produced by the GC Youth Dept.
Group Magazine empowers youth leaders for real-life ministry with fresh ideas, strategies, insights, and much more.
Insight Magazine Online - Online magazine for teens, with blog, discussion boards, real-life heroes.
CORe Newsletter - Trans-European Division Newsletter.
Pathfinders & Adventurers
Adventurers Club - from the General Conference Youth Ministries Department.
Pathfinders Online - Pathfinder website from the General Conference Youth Ministries Department.
Please note, links are not all adventist sites, some are simply an opportunity to learn what is happening in the Christian world.
Educational Material and Pathfinder Resources
Loss Control Guidelines - from Adventist Risk Management
Ordnance Survey Website - useful information, newsletter, mapping tools and exercises useful for club work
Fund-Raising ideas - Suttons Seeds fundraising site
Equip-Me - equipment for hire or purchase in remote areas
Discover the Forest - It's good to get outdoors.
Walking and adventure Holidays in Scotland - Discover them here.
Planet Science - Inspired by science! For both over and under 11s.
Camping Ninja - 100s of the best UK campsites.
Question evolution - A grass - roots movement to challenge the anti-Christian dogma of evolution.
Climate Week Challenge 4-10 March 2013 - Enter the challenge - Christian Games -
Nest Box Challenge - mionitor the breeding succes of birds in Britain
Discounts and Benefits
Discounts from branded stores etc. for Pathfinder/Adventurer Club leaders and Youth leaders
Ministry Tools
Adventist Youth Ministries - North American Division youth site.
Insight - Reflections and resourceson Christian Youth Ministry and Leadership - check out their list of freebie ministry tools on the right hand menu
Youth Specialities - Masses of resources and ideas
Youth Work Now - For everyone working with young people
Adventist Mission - Inspirational stories of modern-day missionaries in action!
Health Information
Children and Young people now
DrugScope - UK's Leading Independent Centre of Expertise on Drugs.
Hope UK - Drug Prevention and Education for Children and Young People.
Thirst For Life - campaign against the 'binge drinking' culture
Food-A Fact of Life - Food- a fact of life provides a wealth of free resources about healthy eating, cooking, food and farming for children and young people aged 3 to 16 years.
Social Information
BUC Youth Ministries Facebook Page
Seventh-day Adventist Singles site
ABCDE Voluntary Solutions - Homeless Adventist Charity working in London