How do you write a theme song?
Often before large events such a Camporee, Youth Congress or similar, there is a request for gifted musicians to submit their entries for a theme song. But how are these songs composed and can anyone do it?
Read the article below to find out how experienced theme song writers gain inspiration and use their musical abilities to produce something to match the occasion.
How do you write a theme song? TEDNEws article 15 Oct 2018
Current Musical Competitions and Requirements
- GC Session 2020 musical entries needed
- CYE Oshkosh Pathfinder Camporee Theme Song competition
Previous theme songs - a trip down memory lane:
- Faithbook TED Pathfinder Camporee 2010 Theme Song
- i-Change BUC Youth Congress 2011 Theme Song
- BUC Pathfinder Camporee 2016 Theme Song
- The Journey TED Youth Congress 2017 Theme Song
- BUC Adventurer Camporee 2018 Theme Song