Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Adventist Youth in the United Kingdom and Ireland


e-Club Painting Honour

Painting e-Honour

Category: Arts & Crafts




  1. Make and submit a freehand sketch of an animal, showing in values the distribution of colour.
  2. Draw a cylindrical object and a rectangular object grouped together a little below the eye, showing proper perspective and light and shade.
  3. Make and submit a drawing of some landscape near your home.
  4. Make an original decorative design in colour, using any motif, and state for what use it is intended.
  5. Print a flower spray or leaf spray in colour.
  6. Paint an outdoor scene in either watercolour or oil.


  1. Make and submit a freehand sketch of an animal, showing in values the distribution of colour.
  2. Draw a cylindrical object and a rectangular object grouped together a little below the eye, showing proper perspective and light and shade.
  3. Make and submit a drawing of some landscape near your home.
  4. Make an original decorative design in colour, using any motif, and state for what use it is intended.
  5. Print a flower spray or leaf spray in colour.
  6. Paint an outdoor scene in either watercolour or oil.


We suggest that if there are any presentation elements for the requirements you record a video of yourself and include it with your written assessment in your folder.  Your director will check all your work when your club resumes. If all is present and correct, your director can then decide if you may be awarded your honour.

Finished all your requirements?  Complete this form online, print off the confirmation and include in your club folder.

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