Waterfalls e-Honour 
Category: Nature
1. Define the following types of waterfalls and give one example of each:
a. Block
b. Cascade
c. Horsetail
d. Plunge
e. Segmented
e. Tiered
2. Choose 10 waterfalls, including two from near the area or state in which you live, and list the following information about them:
Name, Total Height, Waterfall Type, Watercourse, Location
3. Complete two of the following activities:
a. Visit a waterfall and write a paragraph telling about your experience.
b. Choose a waterfall (other than ones in #2) of interest to you and record facts and interesting information about the falls that you have selected.
c. Watch a video about a waterfall.
d. Make a scrapbook about waterfalls. Include pictures of waterfalls and important information about each one. This may be a group project.
e. Using the information provided, create a crossword or word search puzzle:
Angel/Tallest waterfall in the world at 3212 feet.
Browne/Tallest waterfall in New Zealand.
Dettifoss/Waterfall flowing from a glacier in Iceland.
Havasu/Waterfall on an Indian reservation in Arizona.
Huangguoshu/Largest waterfall in China.
Iguazu/275 falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil.
Langfoss/Giant cascade in Norway, falling 2008 feet.
Mardalsfossen/Well known tiered waterfall in Norway.
Multnomah/Tiered waterfall along the Columbia Gorge in Oregon.
Niagara/Most powerful waterfall in North America.
Shomyo/Tallest year-round falls in Japan.
Takkakaw/Cree Indian name for a waterfall in British Columbia.
Tugela/2nd tallest waterfall in the world, found in South Africa.
Victoria/Largest waterfall in the world.
Yosemite/Popular tourist attraction in a National Park in California.
Yumbilla/5th tallest waterfall in the world, 2nd tallest in Peru
4. Water is mentioned in each of the following verses. Describe what is happening in each verse, then tell what the water symbolises.
a. John 9:11
b. John 13:5
c. Matthew 3:16
We suggest that if there are any presentation elements for the requirements you record a video of yourself and include it with your written assessment in your folder. Your director will check all your work when your club resumes. If all is present and correct, your director can then decide if you may be awarded your honour.
Finished all your requirements? Complete this form online, print off the confirmation and include in your club folder.
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