Holy Spirit e-Award (Multi level)
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1. Who will send the Holy Spirit? John 14:26
2. Why was the Spirit Sent?
3. The Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead. Who else is included? Matthew 28:19
4. Write and memorize this verse about the Holy Spirit: John 14:26
5. Read Acts 4:23-31 and discuss what happened.
6. Was Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit?
7. What will happen when you receive the Holy Spirit?
1. John 14: 26 The Father
2. To be a guide, teacher, comforter, helper, witness, advocate. John 16: 12-14, John 15:26,
John 14:26, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:26
3. The Father and the Son. Matthew 28:19
4. Suggestions: John 14: 26, Acts 2:38, Titus 3:6, Romans 8:26. Sweet Spirit, Spirit of the
Living God Fall Afresh on Me, Heavenly Father I appreciate You.
5. Read and discuss
6. Yes. Luke 3:21-22, Acts 10:38
7. You will receive power. Acts 1:8
e-AWARD2. Why was the Spirit Sent?
3. The Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead. Who else is included? Matthew 28:19
4. Write and memorize this verse about the Holy Spirit: John 14:26
5. Read Acts 4:23-31 and discuss what happened.
6. Was Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit?
7. What will happen when you receive the Holy Spirit?
1. John 14: 26 The Father
2. To be a guide, teacher, comforter, helper, witness, advocate. John 16: 12-14, John 15:26,
John 14:26, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:26
3. The Father and the Son. Matthew 28:19
4. Suggestions: John 14: 26, Acts 2:38, Titus 3:6, Romans 8:26. Sweet Spirit, Spirit of the
Living God Fall Afresh on Me, Heavenly Father I appreciate You.
5. Read and discuss
6. Yes. Luke 3:21-22, Acts 10:38
7. You will receive power. Acts 1:8
We suggest that if there are any presentation elements of the award you record a video of yourself and include it with your written assessment in your folder. Your director will check all your work when your club resumes.
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