Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Adventist Youth in the United Kingdom and Ireland


Youth Week of Prayer 2014

Youth Week of Prayer 15-22 March 2014


This year’s theme is: The Kingdom of God is Near.  The readings have been compiled by Pr Japhet De Oliveira they include authors such as Dilys Brooks, Eddie Hypolite, Tim Gillespie and Kessie Reyne Bennett.

Pastor Gilbert Cangy, World Youth Director says:  Writers will draw from the proclamation and demonstration of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount, Parables and Miracles. The emphasis will be "you can enter the eternal kind of life now until time gives way to eternity." Enter today, be transformed, be an ambassador of reconciliation, seek justice and mercy, and may our communities of faith be windows—previews of the soon coming of the glorious kingdom of God.

Hard copy readings will be mailed to the churches at the end of February 2014 with the copies of the Messenger.  Your local youth leader will distribute the copies in time for the Youth Week of Prayer. 

Please also remember that the first Sabbath of the Youth Week of Prayer is Global Youth Day.  Please plan and encourage your church to take part!  Then write and tell us about it - or join in on Facebook (Adventist Youth, UK & Ireland) to share your experiences.  If we can help in any way, please feel free to contact us.